Real-Time Dashboards

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Discover insights in real-time to inform business decisions and know when to intervene

Features That Make A Difference

Built-in Widgets
Completely Customizable
Display Anywhere on Any Device
Turn Any Widget Into Insights

Take advantage of all the metrics you could ever want without having to do any coding

Drag and drop tooling to create an infinite number of dashboards for supervisors, executives and floor managers

Private dashboards for management and public dashboards for monitoring operations on the floor

Historical reports can be generated to correspond with widgets and allow for deeper insight into your operations

What insights would you like to find?

ROI By Lead Source

Know each agent’s performance to identify coachable moments and reward positive outcomes

Customer Satisfaction By Team

Visualize call outcomes grouped by teams to determine which supervisors are driving better NPS

Resource Allocation

Monitor inbound queues and agent capacity across multiple IVRs to optimize agent assignments

Operational Inefficiencies

Analyze duration per call stage and agent status to determine where operations are slowing down

Widgets At Your Fingertips

Visualize the metrics that matter. Customizable charts, graphs, counters and more to enable full transparency.

Average Speed of Answer
Monitor your call queues and IVRs to optimize efficiency. Set thresholds to maintain SLAs and ensure customers are never waiting on the phone.
Average Speed of AnswerAverage Speed of Answer
Agent List
Drill into individual agent performance with visualizations, graphs or statistics and turn any of these drill-downs into full reports scheduled for auto-export
Agent ListAgent ListAgent List
Agent Status
Observe all your agents in one place for snapshots of team status to coordinate breaks, avoid scheduling mishaps and more
Agent StatusAgent Status
Average Call Duration

Quickly determine which call sources are taking the longest to time to resolve or complete the call.

Compare these metrics with call outcomes to gain insight into where your time is most valuable.

Average Call DurationAverage Call Duration
Queue Counter

Track all your channels in a single place to make sure no IVR goes unwatched.

Set alerts to be notified and reallocate agents to the campaigns that need them.

Queue CounterQueue Counter
Campaign Status
Stay on top of all your campaigns with real-time visibility of all the important metrics. Supervisors will know how long agents are waiting between calls, how often customers are dropping off, and more.
Campaign StatusCampaign Status

Thresholds & Notifications

Be confident that nothing falls through the cracks with the ability to set thresholds for any widget or metric and automatically be notified by SMS or email

  • 1. Select a metric
  • 2. Set a threshold
  • 3. Choose alert type
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