Accelerate your sales

The proper tooling to deliver repeatable and scalable sales success

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Risk less and sell more

Protect your leads with Voiso’s multi-level security settings that prevent individuals from viewing or exporting unrequired sensitive information
Using machine learning and decades of telecom experience, Voiso’s predictive and progressive dialers are in a class of their own
Skills-based routing combined with preferred channel and automation connects the best agent and provides the most relevant information in real-time

Feature Highlights

Some of the cool features used by outbound sales teams

  • Localized Caller ID & Rotation
  • Answering Machine Detection
  • Automated SMS-Follow Up
  • Call Back Management
  • Lead Number Masking
  • Enforced Redial Policy
  • Features That Make a Difference

    Reporting and management to improve your sales results and give leadership the means to make the right decisions that increase revenue

    Easy ROI

    Use reporting widgets to determine conversion and sales rates in real-time.
    Take it one step further with dashboards to compare and contrast campaigns to determine ROI by lead source and inform your next purchasing decision.

    Realtime HLR Lookup and Caller ID

    Voiso verifies your leads in realtime to confirm phone numbers are active and dynamically inserts local Caller ID.
    This prevents wasted redials, increases the answer rate and helps drive sales results.

    Built-in Compliance

    Stay confident in your operations with built-in tooling to manage and maintain compliance.
    Voiso enforces abandonment ratios, provides selective recording, and more to help handle global and nation-specific requirements.